Closing Loops And Seeding For Future Generations

In the midst of our daily lives, which on the surface are not dissimilar to the lives of millions in the developed world, we have been slowly integrating various systems and ways of thinking into our comings and… Read More

Espying Energy Efficiency

Off-grid energy is no longer a novel idea reserved only for forest bound dreamers. Over the last couple of years we have received calls from many friends and family members asking us about solar energy and, particularly in winter, heating efficiency.

A Rook O’ Bamboo

It will come as no surprise that the interior of our straw bale house has taken much longer to complete than the superstructure. Many, many friendly advisors told us this would be the case, and once we embarked upon the wattle and daub train I realised they were astoundingly accurate in their premonition! Progress also slowed markedly when the sofa made an appearance…

Constructing Empowerment

International Women’s Day is a demonstration that our modern world fights the good fight daily in terms of equality, anti-discrimination and liberty to transcend gender boundaries. Some areas are making this transition in leaps and bounds whilst others are laggards stuck in their traditional ways with little or no thought towards progression. Thinking about this started a reflection process about our house build and the stereotypes which I unwittingly fought (and still fight) against on a daily basis.

Home Sweet Home

Progress on the house was somewhat slowed over the summer by the heat of the day, which lasted literally the entire day, from 11am-8pm throughout July and August. However, steady progress was made on the interior of the straw bale house.


WWOOFing in Japan was one of the best things I have ever had the pleasure to encounter.

No Dig Gardening: Veggie Raised Beds – Year One

It was spring 2016, and into the vast world of growing veggies we plunged….