
Forever A Student

Encouraging an element of liberation in terms of overall health and wellbeing can be seen as something of a revolutionary act in modern times.

Below are a few blog posts related to our path to wellness. Whether through cold-water swimming, a focus on diet, following a Yogic and Mindful path both physcially and spiritually, or healing through Thai massage and Reiki; this is one journey that is never ending and all encompassing.

We love to share this path with others and welcome all thoughts along the winding road to wellness and fulfilment.

“Only in the present moment can we touch life and be deeply alive ”

Thich NAht Hanh


SUTRA 42, Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

(Re)Learning To Run

How barefoot running has changed my life As a teen, running was one of the few ways of escaping a house full of foster children and forgetting about the social juggling act that was a single-sex school. I ran for miles around the Isle of Sheppey, using the clocks at the various train stations to…

Cold Water Swimming

Cold water swimming. Often greeted with a delightful mixture of sheer horror and intrigue, this fun little hobby of mine has time and again brought joy to those around me, normally through caving in and immersing themselves in the chocking cold water.

Highest good is like water. Because water excels in benefiting the myriad creatures without contending with them and settles where none would like to be, it comes close to the way.

VIII, tao te ching, Lao tzu

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